How to update Blog Edition colors


Here you’ll discover the essential steps to update your site colors, transforming your website into a true reflection of your brand’s identity. By aligning your site’s color scheme with your brand’s unique palette, you not only enhance the visual appeal but also significantly boost brand recognition across every page.

1. Click on Appearance

2. Click on the Editor option

3. Select Template Parts

4. Select Header Dark, large

5. Click on the Edit Icon

6. Click on the Settings icon

7. Tap on the header section block

8. Click on the Color icon

9. Edit colors as you wish

10. Save when ready

Next, let’s update a small banner for mobile

1. Click on Appearance

2. Click on the Editor option

3. Select Template Parts

4. Click on Header Dark, small

5. Click on the Edit icon

6. Click on the Settings icon

7. Tap to select the block

8. Click on the Color icon

9. Edit colors

10. Click Save when ready

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