

Step 1

Platform – Step 1 – Add a Domain

Step 1 in the Fectiv platform first focuses on what is essential in owning a website which is domain registration.

Step 2

Platform – Step 2 – Select a Design

Step 2 focuses on the selecting a design with the option to preview before selecting.

Step 3

Platform – Step 3 – Specialist Setup

In Step 3 the user receives updates from their specialist on setup progress.


Website Mini

Design – Preview

Website Mini is a great start for any growing business. 

Website Max

Design – Preview

Websit Max design focuses on extra pages and provides the user with more options to add plugins. Use this image to outline the designs available.  

Blog Edition

Design – Preview

For those business owner with more information to share Blog Edition can be a good option. It displays a news feed down the homepage with the latest posts.  


Brand Image

Product Logo – Graphic

This image can be used to promote the Fectiv Website prodcut displaying both the prodcut logo and graphic that is similar to waht is found for this product. Site Pages

Fectiv Homepage (Wide)

Screenshot – Index Page

Use this image to illustrate the homepage.  

Fectiv Website (Wide)

Screenshot – Website Product

This image will help user to become more familiar with the Fectiv Website product page. 

Fectiv Email (Wide)

Screenshot – Email Product

Creating choice in the eyes of the customer is helpful for the customer to understand the full product offer. Outline the Fectiv Email product page to highlight this option. 

Fectiv Bundle (Wide)

Screenshot – Bundle Product

Fectiv Bundle will help you audience sign up to both Fectiv Website and Fectiv Email with one simple subscription.

Fectiv Homepage (Page)

Page View – Index Page

For greater illustration use this page view of the Fectiv homepage. 

Fectiv Website (Page)

Page View – Website Product Page

Dig deeper into the Fectiv Website product with more messaging on the page. 

Fectiv Email (Page)

Page View – Email Product Page

Motivate your audience further with the option of owning a branded email. 

Fectiv Bundle (Page)

Page View – Bundle Product Page

This image illustrates how Bundle has both Fectiv Website and Fectiv Email. 

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  Copyright © 2024 Fectiv. All rights reserved.
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